
stuck fast…thoughts of the other woman

Tag: lonliness

Grey swirls

I’m having a bad day.
Grey swirls
Tipping edges
Sounds drowning
There will be no tunnelled light
There will be no kiss
No happiness
Just myself in rolls of grief
What’s the point in the ticking of time anyway?


She took the bullet for him,

She swallowed her pride,

Their lie –

Which sat like wire in the stomach,

Was the only thing that kept

Her alone,

At night.

Cold feet on cold concrete,

No one would ever know,

How much,

She wanted him,

It would burn and rage through her,

And when times were black,

She pretended he was there.

She would find his face through the bottom of that

Great Green Gin bottle.

Blurred and Beautiful,

Just like how he was in her arms,

She would destroy herself to protect him.

Her wet hair sticking to his blackened feet.

She would tell him,

When all was lost,

She would finally,


How much he meant to her.

Only now, because before,

He had far too many things behind a closed door,

Confession too late,

Hell to soon,

All the great loves,

Are too beautiful and doomed.

Mother’s Ruin

I was looking over our old messages yesterday

I sometimes do when I feel down and lonely.


I can remember how much you wanted me at that moment in time






Old words


Making my soul

Flip flip flip


Old words that I cling on to

Because it’s far too dangerous now

It’s far too terrible now

With all her



Mother’s ruin

My ruin.


Her destruction




How terrible my thoughts can be

But I feel no mercy

My dear

When it comes to you and me.