
stuck fast…thoughts of the other woman

Tag: free verse

dusty bottles

A fake sun smell that’s lingers on skin and makes pores gloop.
Wandering in the world.
Covered in it.
Frustrated that I’m stuck here and you’re free.
I’m not around this weekend. I decided to fill my time with old company and stale bottles.
Dusty glasses left on the shelf over the greasy fridge.
I had dreamt for so much more.
I had dreamt of slow motion looks and sizzling eyes.
Now I collapse on unwashed sheets and focus on my imaginary life.

A lost cause

I’m so alone in darkness and disappointment.
I don’t know who to love or what to do.
Feeling trapped in wire cages of my own folding.
I can see through the minuscule gaps the laughs and loves of others.
Turned up mouths and shining eyes that appear so foreign and out of reach to my own frosty pupils.
I can’t imagine happiness anymore, the giant on the other side of the wall. The troll under the bridge.
Growing hate like soft moss, growing insecurity and fear as ivy traps a house.
I’m a lost cause.
A man in a river with cement for feet.

Grey swirls

I’m having a bad day.
Grey swirls
Tipping edges
Sounds drowning
There will be no tunnelled light
There will be no kiss
No happiness
Just myself in rolls of grief
What’s the point in the ticking of time anyway?

I don’t listen to sad music anymore



I don’t listen to sad music anymore

It reminds me that we are doomed.

I want to fry alive in our fire

I can’t imagine

Crawling away

Broken and burnt from our flames

Dead scorched earth. 

Bones baked and broken 

It makes me feel sick

A Phoenix ending. 

I want to boil within you

Tied to your stake

For good.

Soft flesh falling away

Blackened feet

Melted hair 

A martyr

For these ashes

That will blow so far 

Forever forgotten.